Lot's Passover and Promised Land

Hey guys,

I have a question.

In a recent sermon from the book of Jude, I had to go back and read Genesis 19. What surprised me is that it seems to me that what is going on is a sort of proto-Passover. Two angels go into Sodom and tell Lot that he needs to leave town -- fast. The details take place at night, just like Israel's Passover. Angels are involved. The wicked who tormented the righteous (2 Pet. 2:8) were destroyed. But the key that tipped me off to the parallels is Gen. 19:3:

"He prepared a meal for them, baking bread without yeast, and they ate."

Am I off-base to suggest a Passover theme here?

Of course, then the next question is where does Lot and his family go? Well, Lot is the father of the Ammonites and the Moabites. We find out later in Deut. 2:9, 16-19 that Lot had a promised land that God told Israel to respect.

Have any of you thought about this? Have you ever heard of anyone teach on the "promised land of Lot"? We tend to think of the promised land as something unique to Israel. However, it appears that some Gentiles? in the Old Testament also had a land possession. Please correct me if you think I am wrong.

Now getting really wild, I wonder if this might match up with covenant creation. In the old creation there is both land and sea. This is modeled in the temple architecture with the holy of holies representing heaven, the inner courts land, and the outer courts sea.

Think visually of what we have after Joshua's conquest in the land. Israel is in the center of the Jordan valley with the tabernacle/temple. The Edomites are up in the hill country of Seir (Deut. 2:2-6) on one edge with their land possession. The Moabites and Ammonites are on the wilderness edge with their land possession.

Looks to me like a living representation of tabernacle/temple architecture. Israel, land, close to God's heart serving in the inner courts. Gentiles, sea, living around the outside of the worship of God, at a distance.

Am I totally nuts?

Tim Martin
co-author, Beyond Creation Science

Election Sermon and "Of Kings and Covenants" Conference

Don't forget about the conference this weekend!

Shaping up to be a pretty interesting event:

Election Sermon and "Of Kings and Covenants" Conference

Tim Martin