The Israel of God
Most Christians have been taught the true “Israel of God” is comprised of all biological descendants of Abraham only. However I believe God’s word teaches that “true Israel” has always been a (willing obedient spiritual group of people) in a covenant relationship with God form various nationalities, not just an exclusive biological group.
In this article I will endeavor to show why I come to believe from scripture, that from the beginning, there was a “physical Israel” and a “spiritual Israel” - a group within a group -two separate entities even during Old Testament time.
When most Christians are first saved that are told to read the New Testament. The problem is the right way to understand the New Testament is to have a good grasp and understanding of the Old Testament first. When we are told to read the Bible from the end of the story, (The New Testament) and not from the start of the story (The Old Testament) our understand of many of the New Testament concepts which started in the Old Testament are lost. Such as Paul’s words in (Romans 9:6)
In the beginning, God started with one righteous men named Abraham, and subsequently his biological descendants, the nation of Israel. However what is over looked God deals with the patriarchs of Israel as individuals. He dealt with Abraham as an individual; with Abraham’s son Isaac, as an individual; Abraham’s grandson Jacob, as individual. And approximately 400 years after the time of Joseph, God dealt with Moses as an individual, instructing him to lead the children of Israel out of slavery in Egypt (Exodus 12:37).
After God miraculously brought the children of Israel out of Egypt and through the Red Sea, He spoke to them (as a group) for the very first time establishing the conditions by which individuals within that group would be considered His covenant people. (Exodus 19:3-6) As you read this passage notice the qualifying words “if” and “then.” After God spoke to the group and establishing the conditions by which individuals within that group would be considered His covenant people.
Following the death of Moses, Joshua received his first instruction from God. ( Joshua.1:2ff). God dealt with Joshua as an individual. After the death of Joshua the God dealt with Judah as an individual. Now after the death of Joshua it came to pass that the children of Israel asked the LORD, saying, "Who shall be first to go up for us against the Canaanites to fight against them?" And the LORD said, "Judah shall go up. Indeed I have delivered the land into his hand." (Judges 1:1-2) All through out the Bible God deals with individual beginning with Adam.
Jacob, the grandson of Abraham, had his name changed to 'Israel' by God. His descendants eventually became known as the people of Israel (i.e. the descendants of Israel). The Old Covenant was offered to Abraham’s descendants as a nation, because of their genealogy and because of God’s choice.
Rather, God chose these people because of His love for them and His unconditional covenant with Abraham. This doesn't mean that God loved Israel more than other people, it was just that He intended to use Israel as His means to love and bless everyone.
A study of the Old Testament clearly shows that, even then, people for other nationalities were welcome to becomes part of God’s covenant people (i.e., God’s “Israel”) if they were willingly faithful and obedient to the conditions of the covenant.
The reason the majority continued to be from the same nationality during Old Testament times is that God never commanded the nation of Israel to evangelize. However God always left the back door open for any alien living among the Israelites who had a sincere desire to become part of God’s covenant people (God’s “Israel”).
Through the ages God’s covenant people included only those individuals who were willingly faithful and obedient to the conditions of the covenant. In other words, God’s true covenant people has always been spiritual group of believers who had trust in God, even during Old Testament times.
We find in the Old Testament that people from other nationalities were always welcome to become apart of God’s “Israel.” Through willing faith and obedience to the conditions of the covenant, people from other nationalities were assimilated (absorbed as equals) into God’s covenant people. God’s “Israel.”
(...about 600.000 ) men women and children left Egypt with Moses however NOT all the men women and children were biological descendants of Abraham. Some were aliens from other nationalities who trusted the God of Abraham and became apart of God’s “Israel.”
“An alien living among you who wants to celebrate the Lord’s Passover must have all the males in his household circumcised; then he may take part, like one born in the land...The SAME law applies to the native-born and to the alien living among you’ (Exodus 12:48-49).
“An alien living among you who wants to celebrate the Lord’s Passover must do so in accordance with its rules and regulations. You must have same regulations for the alien and the native-born (Numbers 9:14)
“For this is what the Lord says; ... ‘Foreigners who bind themselves to the Lord to serve Him, to love the mane of the Lord, and to worship Him, all who keep the Sabbath without desecrating it, and who hold fast to my covenant these I will bring to My holy mountain and give them joy in My house of prayer. Their burnt offerings and sacrifices will be accepted on My altar; for My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations’” (Isaiah 56:4a, 6-7)
As we have seen from the previous Scriptures under the Old Covenant system, people from other nationalities who desired to serve the God of Abraham were assimilated (absorbed as equals into God’s covenant “Israel.”
When Matthew began his Gospel with a genealogy or family tree of Jesus, contrary to Luke and many of the genealogies in the Old Testament, he included four women and two of these women were NOT biological descendants of Abraham. Rahab, the great, great grandmother of David (Matthew 1:5) was a common prostitute in Jericho.
When Joshua sent two spies into the city of Jericho, Rahab, gave them shelter. When the king of Jericho sought their lives she hid them on her roof, and afterwards helped them escape. (Josh 2:1-8) They promised her that if she tied red cord to her window when the Hebrew people invaded Jericho, she and all her household would be saved. (Josh. 2:18-21).
They kept their promise, and when Jericho was taken, she and her household escaped. (Josh 6:17- 22). By professed faith in the God of Israel ( Josh. 2:11) Rahab became a part of “Israel” along with her entire family (Josh. 6:25; James 2:25). Ruth, the great grandmother of David and daughter-in-law of Rahab (Matthew 1:5) was from the country of Moab, but professed faith in the God of Israel (Ruth 1:16) and became part of “Israel” with full approval from the elders of the city (Ruth 4:11-12).
This is notable since it was not customary for Jews to include women in their records. The examples of Rahab and Ruth help us understand how God views “Israel” as those individual who trust in the true God. One should also remember both Rahab and Ruth.
Rahab is unusual in that she recognized the action of God, and put her faith in him while the rest of Jericho followed the Canaanite religion. She is listed in Hebrews 11 as one of the heroines of the faith.
Apparently, God Himself was impressed with Ruth's conversion, because He chose to send the Messiah through Ruth's offspring! What an exciting and inspiring example to everyone of us to think that God may have something very important in store for us, even though we have ungodly beginnings.
Just as those individuals in the Old Testament were apart of God’s “spiritual Israel” because they were willingly faithful and obedient to the conditions of the covenant. Those individuals who were NOT willingly faithful and obedient to the conditions of the covenant were apart of “national Israel.”
The Apostle Paul alludes to this basic fundamental covenant principle in his letters to early Christians. But it is not that the word of God has taken no effect. For they are not all Israel who are of Israel, nor are they all children because they are the seed of Abraham; but, "In Isaac your seed shall be called." (Romans 9:6-8) What Paul is saying is that not all the people form the nation of Israel are truly people of God’s Israel.” The covenant relationship is, and was an individual decision and choice as seen with the story of Rahab. The choice, the responsibility, and the Covenant relationship with God are individual , not national.
At the beginning of New Testament times, it was an accepted fact that God’s Covenant “Israel” still included people who were not biological descendants of Abraham (i.e., non - Jews). They were referred to as “proselytes” or “converts” and are mentioned fore times in the New Testament Scriptures; Matthew 23:15; Acts 2:10-11, 6:5, 13:43.
I believe that it has always been God’s intentional, plan that we see being a part of (Spiritual Israel) has always been a matter of faith not biological descendants even during Old Testaments times. In 21th century Christianity, we miss the significance of so much that is written in the New Testament by not having any understanding of how God has always assimilated (absorbed as equals) people for other nationalities into His covenant people “spiritual Israel” even in the Old Testament.
During the time of Jesus many biological Jewish Christians also had great difficulty accepting the non-Jewish Christians as equals in the eyes of God - even to the point of not eating with them (Galatians 2:11-16). And as non-Jews began to accept the New Covenant Gospel message, in some instances they too thought of themselves as God’s elite, and as a group totally separated from believing biological Jews. Paul reprimanded the non - Jewish believers in Rome for this very attitude, as we read in (Romans 11:17-18).
God spiritual Israel seems to have been a difficult concept for BOTH Jews and non- Jews to grasp in the first century - just as it is for so many Christians in the 21th century. Any individual who accepted the new covenant relationship offer by Jesus Christ is apart of God’s “spiritual Israel.” The Church has NOT replace the Israel of God. The Church is (i.e., God’s “Israel”) which started in the Old Testament of individuals who put their faith in God. God deals with individuals.
All through the Bible, God’s faithful obedient covenant people are referred to as “Israel.” Unfortunately the nation is also called “Israel.’ This is were the confusion, lies both then and now. In other words, from the very beginning there was a “physical Israel” and a “spiritual” Israel. Those who were part of spiritual Israel were those individuals who accepted the covenant relationship offer and willingly chose to be faithful and obedient to the conditions of the Covenant
The biological descendants of Abraham could be “cut off” from “Israel,” through disobedience to the conditions of the Old Covenant, even though they continued to live in the nation of Israel. “Any uncircumcised male, who has not been circumcised in the flesh, will be cut off from his people, he has broken My covenant (Genesis. 17:14)
The Lord replied to Moses, “Whoever has sinned against Me, I will blot out of My book’‘ (Exodus 32:33) “..... any Israelite...who offers a burnt offering or sacrifice, and does not being it to the entrance to the Tent of Meeting to sacrifice it to the Lord, that man must be cut off from his people” (Leviticus 17:8-9). If any Israelite does not obey the prophet (referring to Jesus) would die, be cut off from God’s people;’ (Acts 3:22-23, quoted from Deut 18:15-19). For further study read (Lev. 24:16; Num. 9:13; Deut. 17:2-5).
During the “tribulation” period, culmination in 70 A.D., God used the complete destruction of Jerusalem to dramatically show biological Israelites AND Christians that everything connected to the Old Covenant system was over and done: the priesthood; the animal sacrificers; the earthly temple; the earthly city; the favored nationality; the genealogy records; even possession of all the land.
To this day, many Christians still don’t fully understand it. Consider the following. Since the Jewish genealogy records were destroyed in 70 A.D. along with the temple, ON-ONE can prove that he or she descended form Abraham. This bring us back to the starting place of this study. God deals with individuals who willingly chose to be faithful to his covenant not biological group.
God’s covenant principles of individual choice has been the same from the beginning of time, and continues to this day and into the future. With the coming of Jesus and the establishment of the New
Covenant system, the “rules” simply changed as to how one becomes part of (i.e., God’s “Israel”). Jesus answered and said to them, "This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He sent."(John 6:29).
When studying the subject of “Israel” in the Bible, we need to remember to distinguish between the spiritual nature of God’s covenant “Israel” and the physical nature of the nation of Israel.
How does Eschatology shape politics in the Middle East?
When became a preterist many years ago I started to see some very specific similarly, in theological ideas between Islam and Christianity. How we view eschatology shapes out word views. In this note will look at some of the leading ideas in the Islamic world view. It can be safely assumed that the great majority of Muslims in the world have no desire to join a jihad or to politicize their religion.
However religion and theology has inspired young Muslim men and women to use religion as a political tool to bring about radical change in state and society. Radical Islamist like Osama bin Laden, and others have supplied the ammunition and arguments for dissatisfied and alienated young men to rebel against the existing sociopolitical order at home and its great powers. Is a call to jihad (holy war). These "radical Muslim terrorists" are simply living in accordance with how they believe theology that is within the Koran.
The Key Concepts.
It might come as a surprise to some just how vital the doctrine of (Last Things) is in Islam. Unlike some Christian theologians, Muslim scholars generally do not try to present a strict chronological order of what is going to ultimately transpire. However, the Qur’an, commentators point to frightful conditions before the final Judgment. Islamic use such passage that illustrates this oft-repeated theme is "The Folding Up": as seen below.
When the sun with its spacious light is folded up; When the stars fall, losing their luster; When the mountains vanish like a mirage; When the she-camels, ten months with young, are left untended; When the wild beasts are herded together in human habitations; When the oceans boil over with a swell; When the souls are sorted out being joined like with like; When the female infant buried alive, is questioned—for what crime she was killed; When the Scrolls are laid open; When the world on high is unveiled; When the blazing fire is kindled to fierce heat; And when the Garden is brought near—Then shall each know what it has put forward. So verily I call to witness the planets that recede. Go straight, or hide; And the night as it dissipates; And the dawn as it breathes away the darkness.
In Islam, as in Judaism and Christianity, there are certain similarly, beliefs concerning theological and the end. The Shiite Muslims that are looking for the 12th Imam. Christians look for Jesus’ 2nd coming, the Jews await the Messiah.
For Shiite Muslims the Imam holds the most exalted position available to man, second only to the Prophet Muhammad. In Islam, as in Judaism and Christianity, there are certain beliefs concerning the cosmic end of time. Sunnis too believe an Imam may be a prophet; An Imam is said to be anointed by Allah and a perfect example of leading mankind in every way.
Much has been written of late concerning the Iranian President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who claims that he had a mystical vision of the return of the 12th Islamic Imam, a child who disappeared around the age of 5 years (about 13th Century) who will supernaturally return just before the Day of Judgment the Mahdi, the Islamic Messiah. When this Mahdi returns, he will reign for 7 years and then bring final judgment and the end of the world. Part of this fantasy, is also the inspiration for many of his co-rulers.
This reality is horrifying in the context of Iranian President Ahmadinejad's verbalized fantasy of annihilating Israel. So you can now understand why the annihilation of Israel is a big deal. Ahmadinejad’s eschatology plays in Iranian foreign policy. Ahmadinejad's world view is shaped by the radical eschatology.
Ahmadinejad had clearly indicated that he is a true believer of this faith and has been talking about the immenant return of the 12th Imam.
Imam, will return just before the end of the world. His appearance will be preceded by a number of prophetic events during 3 years of horrendous world chaos, tyranny and oppression. Will rule over the Arabs and the world for 7 years etc. The 12th Imam theory plays heavily into the world’s current concerns with Iran. Within Islam none are more reminiscent of the Christian scriptures than those which speak of the "The Day" or "The Hour" when destruction will come.
In order to save the world, it must be in a state of chaos and subjugation. Ahmadinejad claims he was “directed by Allah to pave the way for the glorious appearance of the Mahdi”. The 12th Imam is also called the Hidden Imam and the Mahdi (guided one).
.The more common Islamic expressions are yawm al-qiyammah (The Day of Resurrection), yawm ad-din (The Day of Judgment) or al-yawm al-akhir (The Last Day). As in the Bible, particularly in 1 Thessalonians 4:1318 "The Hour" comes suddenly, announced by a shout, a thunderclap or a trumpet blast. This conflict, in their view, is destined to end with the hegemony of Islam. In the words of Osama bin Laden, jihad warriors the world over are fighting, "so that Allah’s Word and religion reign supreme."
Some of the other similarities are. The Jews will be gathered together. Final battle between Muslims and Jews. Quran also contains a version of the "Gog & Magog" war from the Bible with several differences. Judgment announced with the trumpet of an archangel. Qu'ran 36:51 "And the trumpet shall be blown, and, lo! they shall speed out of their sepulchres to their Lord:" Signs of the End Times. Major and minor signs will reveal that the end times have arrived (Sura 21:96, 27:82, 43:61)
According to intelligence sources, many of the terrorists with al-Qaida ties who are crossing over into Iraq are doing so because they believe the Islamic messiah has come or is coming soon. It is these radical followers of Osama bin Laden that are responsible for all the recent rash of coordinated attacks that are becoming more organized and powerful.
Since the end of 2001, Bin Laden has been signing his name "Osama bin Muhammad bin Laden" rather than his usual Osama bin Laden. According to people in the know this is significant because it gives bin Laden a messianic dimension. Many believe that Osama bin Laden aspires to be a propheyic "Mahdi" of Islam. The Mahdi (guided one) in Islamic eschatology is a prophecy about the redeemer of Islam who will change the world into a perfect society befor Yaum al- Qiyamah, literally meaning the "Day of Resurrection" (the end time) Source Wikipedia.
Certain historical factors add important to understanding the Muslim view of reality, and help explain why Muslims are still captivated by this ideology today.
Finally, it must be recognized that most Christians today do not differ in their interpretation of the biblical end time data and, consequently, are also captivated by their ideology as will.
Too many within the church today approach the study of Bible prophecy through the eyes of a favorite "expert" instead of a researched observation of what scripture actually says. Because this is true, many prophecy texts when "studied," go completely "unstudied," as words are sloppily overlooked and unconsciously read into passages to substantiate previously formulated doctrines and beliefs. We must also realize that what people believe today wasn’t always the major mindset.
Now Listen to these suggestions by Kurt Aland....we discover a decisive turning point in the second half of the second century a watershed decisive for the development of the Christian church.
It was the definite conviction not only of Paul, but of all Christians of that time, that they themselves would experience the return of the Lord; The Apocalypse expresses the fervent waiting for the end withing the circles in which the writer lived-not an expectation that will happen at some unknown point x in time, but one in the immediate present. If we browse through the writings of that period we observe that this expectation of the end continued. In fact, we also find ti the writing of the first half of the second century sufficient evidence to indicate that the expectation of the Parousia was by no means at an end then.
At the end of the Didache ("the teaching of the twelve apostles"), from the time shortly after 100, there is, for example, an apocalyptic chapter which corresponds completely in its outline to the Synoptic apocalypse in Mark 13 (and the parallel chapters in the other Synoptic Gospels.); here we can only very cautiously say that it used the same words, but that its content is imperceptibly in the process of change. It quite similar to the Epistle of Barnabas which was written a little later that the Didache, where we read: (The day is near in which everything will perish together with the evil. The Lord ans his recompense are near).
Again and again the old expressions echo. They echo apparently almost unchanged, but ("doubt about the imminence of the Lord's return is increasingly mixed with them until around the middle of the second century when the Shepherd of Hermas thinks he has found a solution and expresses it with great thoroughness and emphaisi: the Parousia-the Lord's return-has been postponed for the sake of Christians them selves. The building of the tower has not been stopped,) it is only temporarily suspended. Therefore and this is the warning of the Shepherd of Hermas, on account of which the entire work was really written do good works for your purification, for if you delay too long, the construction of the tower may be finished and you will not be included as stones built into it.
The thought of a postponement of the Parousia appears all through 2 Clement but here it is expressly mentioned for the first time. Thus, about the middle of the second century, a decisive turning point occurs one which can be compared in significance to all other great turning points, including the Reformation. Obviously, we cannot fix this turning point precisely at the year 150, for it took a while until the though caught hold everywhere. But a development does begin with the Shepherd of Hermas which could not be stopped-a development at the end of which we stand today. As soon as the thought of a postponement of the Parousia was uttered once and indeed not only incidentally, but thoroughly presented in an entire writing-it developed its (own life and power).
At first, people looked at it as only a brief postponement, as the Shepherd of Hermas clearly expresses. But soon, as the end of the world did not occur, it was conceived of as a longer and longer period, until finally-this is today's situation nothing but the thought of a postponement exists in people's consciousness. (Kurt Aland. A History of Christianity. (2 vols.) Fortress Press: 1985. Vol. 1,pp.89-102
As one can easily see, they originally understood rightly that the time of fulfillment was to be imminent until the middle of the second century when they began to abandon that and suggest the delay/ postponement ideas. When the remaining fulfillment's associated with Christ's parousia did not occur in the physical-literal way they had expected, they assumed they had not been fulfilled at all. The same problem persists today, and can be solved by following correct Biblical interpretation methods. We need to get back to the study of Biblical Judaism. We need to get back to original understood of the Bible.
How does Eschatology shape politics here in America? Does the right view really matter?
The relationship between Eschatology and politics is a controversial one. In this articles will look at how eschatology has shaped politics here in America. It is also interesting that other country's such as Iran has use striking parallels of theology to shape their politics as well.
First will look at how theology has shaped politics here in America, then will look at some interesting parallels of theology that has shaped politics in the Middle East in recent years. Unfortunately, the role of eschatology in influencing politics has received little attention these days. The United States has a long tradition of separating church from state, but an equally powerful inclination to mix religion and politics. Religion plays an important role in American politics. Throughout the nation’s history political leaders have used religion to galvanize support, structure policy agendas, and justify political actions. Similarly, religious leaders have taken their faith into the public sphere.
Religion has been a key player in American politics, understand many social and political movements. Much of this article has to do with the impact religious institutions and actors have on politics.
Different theologies translate into different world views, political orientations and policy agendas. Premillennialism is one type of Christian eschatology that is potentially politically significant because proponents suggest that the theology forecasts the rise of a political and religious leader (the Antichrist) who sweeps over the geopolitical and economic landscape ushering in the end of days.
Eschatology (the theology of the last things) or the study of the End Times is one element of Christian theology that has profound implications for politics. Premillennial elites also suggest that disasters and political turmoil of the present put us on the cusp of the final era in human history. Furthermore, this theology has been popularized in New York Times best selling books and is held by some prominent figures in the Christian Right.
American leaders have wisely avoided the topic of eschatology and politicians are rarely asked about their religious belief in the end time and how that faith impacts their politics. Religious institutions like churches, synagogues, temples and mosques, as well as organizations like faith based charities play a vital role in the politics society.
As long as religion plays a role in the identities of people, it will play a role in politics. Religion has always been a major force in U.S. politics, policy, identity, and culture. Religion shapes the nation's character, helps form Americans' ideas about the world, and influences the ways Americans respond to events beyond their borders. In our country and other country's as well Religion and theology and Politics are intertwined greatly.
President Ronald Reagan, appear to be true believers in doomsday theology.
"In the 38th chapter of Ezekiel, it says that the land of Israel will come under attack by the armies of the ungodly nations. For the first time ever, everything is in place for the battle of Armageddon and the Second Coming of Christ isn't far off. It can’t be too long now. Ezekiel says that fire and brimstone will be rained upon the enemies of God’s people. That must mean that they will be destroyed by nuclear weapons." (Ronald Reagan, recounted by James Mills, president pro tem, California Senate in San Diego Magazine, 8/85)
Pat Robertson and most of the politically inclined dispensationalists speak about the Soviet Union in this vein. It is indicated that President Reagan shares this view also. James Mills of the California State Senate reported on 1971 conversations with the then Governor Reagan (San Diego Magazine, August 1985). Mr. Reagan referred to the Ezekiel prophecy, noting that "Gog, the nation that will lead all the other powers of darkness against Israel, will come out of the north. Biblical scholars have been saying for generations that Gog must be Russia." And since the only powerful nation on the north is "Russia," the question is settled. Earlier it did not make sense, said Mr. Reagan. "Now it does, now that Russia has become communistic and atheistic, now that Russia has set itself against God."
In 1983 Jerry FaIwell attended National Security briefings and discussed plans for a nuclear war with the U.S.S.R. with top officials. Arrangements for the meeting came from then President Reagan. (See Grace Halsell, Prophecy and Politics, p. 47.)
Bush claims to be guided by Jesus when he makes political decisions, including, presumably, the decision to go to war in Iraq. Evangelicals have been crucial in both his election victories – some say, the decisive factor. We are not talking about a handful of fringe lawmakers who hold or are beholden to these beliefs.
Some of these men had political clout and regular meets with influential national politicians which is the most dangerous element. These politicians are just the powerful tip of the iceberg. A 2002 Time/CNN poll found that 59 percent of Americans believe that the prophecies found in the Book of Revelation are going to come true. Nearly one-quarter think the Bible predicted the 9/11 attacks
Since 1990, when Saddam Hussein of Iran invaded Kuwait, there has been a dramatic increase in the interest in Bible Prophecy, especially related to Armageddon. Mistakenly, most people (including Christians) believe Armageddon is a final political / social / religious battle between the nations of the Earth where nuclear weapons are exchanged. HOW EVANGELIST HELP SHAPE FOREIGN AND AMERICAN POLICY.
The State of Israel has no better friends than American evangelicals. The close tie between evangelicals and Israel is important: It has shaped popular opinion in America and, to some extent, U.S. foreign policy. To understand how it developed, one must know something about how many evangelicals interpret Bible prophecy and what difference their beliefs have made in the world of politics.
Why do evangelicals care so much about Israel? How did this special relationship develop? Many evangelist like Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson have find memories of sitting in Sunday school rooms, staring at maps of the Holy Lands and listening to Bible stories (about a rebuilt temple) week after week. (Most of us have at one time or another). They believe the return of Jews to the Holy Land and establishment of the state of Israel are proof of God’s promises to biblical patriarchs. In many way, they think the Promised Land belongs to the National state of Israel as much as it did to Biblical Israelis. Isn’t that amazing? The biblical concept of the jubilee year (Lev. 25:10-18) affirms that no one can own the Holy Land in perpetuity other than God. This verse presents a challenge to the theological claim God gave this land to the Jews and thus the Jews have the sole right and authority. One could argue that those who resist sharing the Holy Land are not denying the Palestinians a place. But who determines whose place is whose in a land where, in the biblical world view, the sole owner is God?
Most of those who gathered in Washington to show their support for Israel believe that the Holy Land will be ground zero for events surrounding the second coming of Jesus Christ. God's dealings with Israel are the key to the dispensational system. When the Jews rejected Jesus, as the prophecy said they would, God unexpectedly postponed Jesus' return, started putting together a new people, the church, and unplugged the prophetic clock. Thus, for its entire history, the church has existed in a prophetic time warp, what dispensationalists call the "great parenthesis."
God must remove the church from the earth before focusing attention again on the Jews. After Jesus comes for his saints in the "Rapture" (1 Thess. 4:13-17), the prophetic clock starts ticking again. Once the church is gone, Daniel's Seventieth Week (the "great tribulation" of Matt. 24, 2 Thess. 2, and Rev.) can begin, after which Jesus will return with his already raptured saints to defeat Antichrist, the great persecutor, and establish his millennial reign.
Tune in to any of America's 2,000 Christian radio stations or 250 Christian TV stations and you're likely to get a heady dose of dispensationalism, an End-Time doctrine invented in the 19th century by the Irish-Anglo theologian John Nelson Darby. Darby wasn't the first premillennialist author to leave his mark. While there are many divergent End-Time theologies and sects, the most politically influential are the dispensationalists and Christian Zionism.
Even secular people who normally ignore the Bible may, during times of crisis, pay attention to someone who uses the Bible to explain what is going on when the world seems to be falling apart. The dispensational views about Israel and the course of history have influenced popular opinion far beyond the boundaries of the dispensational movement.
By the time Lindsey wrote The 1980s, conservative American evangelicals were finding their political voice and that we are what dispensationalist writer Hal Lindsey calls "the terminal generation." Such teaching attracted more followers in times of stress, as it offers one explanation for disturbing world events. American evangelist use current events in the newspapers like hurricanes hitting Florida, gay marriages in San Francisco, the 9/11 attacks and Iran’s Nuclear ambitions as proof that the world is spinning out of control.
Hal Lindsey's 1970 End-Time "non-fiction" work, The Late Great Planet Earth, is the classic of the genre; the movie version pummels viewers with stock footage of nuclear blasts, polluting smokestacks, raging floods, and killer bees.
William Blackstone, a fundamentalist lay preacher in the US, wrote a 1882 bestseller, "Jesus Is Coming," and in 1891 organized the first campaign in support of a Jewish state in the Middle East. Premillennialists in the British imperial government included Lord Arthur Balfour and Prime Minister David Lloyd George, who were the first to officially promise a Jewish homeland with the 1917 Balfour Declaration.
In the US, premillennialist teaching has spread through TV and radio evangelists and, most recently, the "Left Behind" novels and prophecy websites. American Protestant dispensational fundamentalism --by means of the wildly best-selling Left Behind series of novels--is having an impact (both direct and indirect) on US foreign policy, especially in the Middle East.
One of the strangest teachings from proponents of dispensationalism is the assertion that the ancient Jewish temple will be rebuilt. It is understandable why some Orthodox Jews would desire to have a rebuilt temple, but logically it makes little sense why so many Christians are clamoring to see a third temple. Revived Sanhedrin discusses temple No doubt Mr. Lindsey is a fine Christian but his teaching are full of errors and both theological and political concerns. This fatalistic scenario distorts the political and biblical realities, of millions of readers, and has become a major barrier to a genuine peace between Israelis and Palestinians.
"Before the Six-Day War, dispensationalists were content to sit in the bleachers of history explaining the End-Time game on the field below, pointing out events and identifying players," "But after expansion of Israel into the West Bank and Gaza, they began to get down onto the field and be sure the teams lined up right, becoming involved in political, financial, and religious ways they never had before."
"The danger is that, when people believe they 'know' how things are going to turn out they act on those convictions. Christians and politicians who are under the spell of such potent prophecies cannot be expected to worry about the environment. Why care about the earth when the droughts, floods, and pestilence brought by ecological collapse are signs of the Apocalypse foretold in the Bible? Why care when you and yours will be rescued in the Rapture? And why care about converting from oil to solar when the same God who performed the miracle of the loaves and fishes will destroy the word? Such believes in the end time by politicians who use that faith to guide their legislating should frighten you.
The stakes are higher than many Americans understand. The influence of Religion cannot be overstated particularly as it pertains to the end time and the system of government they set in motion. When studying Bible Prophecy, it is essential that the various prophecies are understood in their correct context and application. Since the Bible is God's Word, and 30% of that Word has to do with prophecy, Christians have a significant interest in this area?
In Lindsey’s article, he is clearly very excited about the prospect of a rebuilt temple. He asserts that plans to rebuild the temple are part of Bible prophecy. The big question is does Bible prophecy talk about a rebuild the temple?
Political Problems of a Rebuilt Temple
Christ replaced the old covenant temple and temple worship. Sacrifice for sins are not atoned for through the blood of bulls and goats at a temple, sacrifice for sins were accomplished once and for all through the sacrifice of Christ. The Dispensationalist temple theology runs directly counter to what is taught in the book of (Hebrews 9:8–14).
So the right views of eschatology does mater. In our next article will look at one central religious theology that framed politics in ... "Islam."
Exciting news from Don Preston about Preterism
I will be leaving this Friday, October 16, for my third trip to Australia. I am thrilled that William Bell will be traveling with me, to serve as my "tag team" speaker and share the load. Thanks to the tireless efforts of Al Persholn, doors are opening in Australia that are truly incredible! Here are just a few of the things that will be happening while we are "down under."
We will speak in three different cities. One of the churches we will speak at numbers in the hundreds and is already true preterist, according to the reports.
We will be doing a full day of radio recording to broadcast on the largest radio network in Australia. The network has at least 250 radio stations in it, and is expanding. The host is a true preterist and very excited about spreading the truth of God’s faithfulness.
We will be doing a full day of video recording in order to produce some broadcast quality DVDs. William and I will be doing some dialogic type teaching, and this will, as planned at this time, include a series on the basics of preterism, as well as addressing the issue of resurrection.
I have been invited to speak at a theological college to introduce Covenant Eschatology. I am trying to get an invitation for William to present a second lesson. What a thrilling opportunity to be able to introduce seminary students to the principles of fulfilled salvation!
While in Australia, William and I are due to meet with some of the leading evangelical leaders to introduce them to Covenant Eschatology.
While there, we are to meet with some leaders of a large Christian educational service that has over 1000 churches in its network. The stated purpose of the meeting is to begin discussions to set up a speaking tour for me, to introduce Covenant Eschatology to as many of the churches as are interested and willing to invite me.
As you can see, William and I will be busy in Australia! How exiting is all of this?! It is simply wonderful!
On another note, by now, I am sure that many of you know of the introduction, at long last, of my book on 1 Thessalonians 4:13f, entitled We Shall Meet Him In The Air; The Wedding of the King of kings. I must say that I am absolutely thrilled, and relieved, to have this seven year project completed! Furthermore, I am truly excited about the response to its introduction. Sales of this book have already sat records for us! Folks are not ordering just one. They are ordering two, three, and more!
In case you are unaware of the book, it is the first and only full length preterite commentary on 1 Thessalonians 4 that has ever been written! Responses to the book, from those who have already read it, are thrilling. It has been called "Preston’s Magnum opus", "Preston’s best book, by far", and responses like: "Finally, we have solid, definitive answers for one of the most challenging passages in the NT!"
Not only are readers thrilled with the book, previewers are likewise impressed. Noted scholar and author Andrew Perriman wrote (on back cover of the book):
"The question of how the New Testament writers spoke about the future of the people of God remains extremely vexatious and divisive, but we cannot deal with the problem simply by quarantining these 'rabid' biblical texts and anyone who has come into contact with them. In this well argued and well researched book Don Preston shows that Preterism is more than a sectarian reaction against dispensationalism; it has the potential whatever we may make of the detailed conclusions to contribute significantly to the broader renewal and reintegration of New Testament theology."
Dr. Andrew Perriman, author of The Coming of the Son of Man: New Testament Eschatology for an Emerging Church and Re: Mission: Biblical Mission for a Post-Biblical Church, and founder of the Open Source Theology website.
If you have not yet ordered your copy of We Shall Meet Him In The Air, you need to do so! This is a great book that will give you solid, exegetical, definitive answers for understanding not only Thessalonians but the story of eschatology as a whole.
Regular price for Air is $23.95, plus $4.50 postage, for a total of $28.45. I introduced the book to a limited mail-out at $22.50, postpaid, and the response was fantastic! So, I am repeating that offer to my mailing list. This special will save you almost six dollars!
You can order the book through PayPal, by using my email address: If you order the book directly off of my websites, you will be charged the regular price, so just send the total of $22.50. Be sure to make mention that you are taking advantage of the mailer special. Don’t wait! Order your copy today!
Also, I am thrilled to be able to offer a brand new MP3 series, entitled "Israel, Key To Understanding the End Times."
This is a series of eight lessons that were presented in Huntsville, Texas the weekend of September 12. Here is what is included (along with much, much more):
The Challenge of Jesus: The Problem of Time and the Problem of Israel in Biblical Eschatology.
The Prophet Hosea as a Template of Understanding Eschatology:
Hosea and the Promise of the New Covenant.
Hosea and the Promise of the ReMarriage of Israel
Hosea and the Promise of the Messianic Temple
Hosea and the Restoration of Israel
Hosea and the Nature of the Kingdom
The Hope of Israel Fulfilled!
Now, if you have my 30 lesson series on Hosea, you may be thinking that you have this material. Wrong! These lessons on Hosea are brand new, and develop the eschatological promises of Hosea as they are then developed in the New Testament, and proclaimed as fulfilled in Christ! This is some wonderful, thrilling material!
Regular price for this series will be $29.95 plus $4.50 postage. However, I am offering this series to list members for the very special price of $22.50 postpaid, for the month of October only! You can send the funds to me via PayPal using the email address above and be sure to include a note that you are ordering at the mailer special price.
And now, let me sweeten the offer even more! If you order the new book on Thessalonians, and the new MP3 series on Israel together, you can have both the MP3s and the new book for the fantastic price of $42.50 postpaid! If you ordered this two items separately, you would pay $63.90! But, by ordering them together, you will save over $21.00! This is a great bargain! Incidentally, although I will be in Australia for the next two weeks +, your orders will be filled, so don’t hesitate to order. Take advantage of this great special offer on these two brand new, very powerful items!
If you wish to send a check or MO to purchase these specials, you can send that to me at:
Don K. Preston
JaDon Management Inc,
1405 4th Ave. N. W. #109
Ardmore, Ok. 73401
I have been asked, repeatedly, about my next book project. Well, to be honest, I am trying to settle on that question. Here are some of the projects I have been working on (somewhat sporadically), for the last few years:
The Eschatology of the Parables of Jesus
The Salvation of Israel: Romans 11:25f
The Song of Moses (Deuteronomy 32), and New Testament Eschatology
New Testament Interpretation of Old Testament Prophecy.
This would essentially be a book on hermeneutics, but would address several issues including the nature of language, basic journalistic principles, how the NT writers viewed the OT prophecies, etc..
The publication of the Jordan - Preston Debate. As many of you know, I had a formal debate with prominent Reformed amillennialist James Jordan a few years back. That was a very, very good debate with tons of important and significant information presented. Thanks to the tireless efforts of one of our supporters, who has done the stenography work, that MSS is now in an editing form that I can work with. I believe that it is very important to make this debate available, so I intend to work on it.
I am also currently working diligently to revise my Like Father Like Son, On Clouds of Glory book, which is currently sold out. I am adding a significant amount of new material, including interaction with prominent amillennialist Kim Riddlebarger. This noted scholar is outspoken in his criticism of the preterism paradigm. In his 2003 book on Amillennialism, he attacks Covenant Eschatology as heretical. Lamentably, Mr. Riddlebarger is unwilling to defend his charges in formal publica debate. He was invited to debate me but refused. So, I will be offering some very significant remarks in response to his criticisms. This will be some great new material!
I have some other projects started as well, but these are the main ones I have been doing some initial writing on for a good while. As you can see, there is no lack of worthy and important topics!
One final bit of wonderful news. A Christian University (and college), president and I have been corresponding recently. This gentleman is very excited about our ministry, and we are now discussing plans to work together. One of the topics of interest and priority is that they want PRI to develop classroom curriculum for the presentation of Covenant Eschatology! They intend to offer a special Theology course with an emphasis on eschatology. At this juncture, the plan is to use my We Shall Meet Him book as required reading, as well as, possibly, the revised Like Father Like Son book. This University and college has an enrollment of 100,000 students! Just think of this! Now, of course, not every one of those 100,000 will take this theology course, but, just the fact that a college and University is intent on introducing theology students to Covenant Eschatology, incorporating our books, is just thrilling almost beyond words! Please, pray for this effort.
BTW, the development of curriculum based on the We Shall Meet Him book is progressing very well, under the wonderful efforts of a lady here in Ardmore, Shella Fitzgerald. Her degree is in education, and she has a great passion for Covenant Eschatology!
Well, I could go on and on! As you can see, however, there are some fantastic, wonderful things going on! Doors of opportunity are opening everywhere, that have never, ever been open before!
A final, important and necessary note. Due to the economic downturn, our monthly contributions have fallen, badly. We are in need of adding some additional monthly pledges to help us take advantage of the opportunities that are presenting themselves. As you read above of the wonderful things happening, just consider that, for instance, the trip to Australia has to be funded partially by PRI. And this is very, very expensive. But the need and the opportunity is so great that we cannot turn down this chance!
If you have ever considered supporting PRI, now is the time! If you have supported us in the past, but had to discontinue that support for a while, please, consider resuming your support. We cannot allow a lack of funding to keep us from walking through the doors of opportunity that are opening up everywhere! I never ask for donations and gifts unless we truly need it. Well, right now, we need your help! So please, give this some careful, prayerful consideration and let us hear from you!
Wonderful things are happening, and you can help take advantage of these opportunities!
For His Truth and In His Grace,
Don K. Preston
The Hope Of Israel And The Resurrection....
Under the Old Covenant men was separated from God because of his sin that started with Adam in the garden of Eden. But your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will not hear (Isaiah 59:2). Because of mans sin condition sin offering for atonement had to be made (Exodus 29:36). These sacrifices were not taking sin away; they were covering sin for the forgiveness of the people.
During this Old Covenant era while man was separated, from God. Resurrection was promised to Israel (Isaiah 25:8; 26:19; Ezekiel 37:1-14; Hosea 13:14; Daniel 12), and it constituted "the hope of Israel" (Acts 26:6-9). This hope resided at the heart of the gospel preached to Israel (Acts 2:22-39; 4:1-2; 13:32-39; 23:6; 24:14-15). If death and Hades belonged to Judaism then one can understand the hope of resurrection.
In the process of revealing His plan for Israel resurrection God established a harvest seasons. The apostle Paul understood this concept for he writes. "But now Christ is risen from the dead, and has become the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep ... For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive. But each one in his own order: Christ the first-fruits, afterward those who are Christ's at His coming" (1 Corinthians 15:20, 22-23)
One of the most interesting studies in the Bible is that of the "first-fruits" and "the harvest" as it relates to Israel’s resurrection. Where did this idea of "first-fruits" harvest originate? God uses the analogy of the first-fruits and harvest particularly to illustrate aspects of His plan of salvation for Israel. "On the same general principle that the firstborn of man and beast belonged to the God of Israel and were to be devoted to Him (Nehemiah 10:35-39).
The first-fruits including the first grain to ripen each season, were to be brought as an offering to God. Every Israelite who possessed the means of agricultural productivity was under this obligation (Exodus 23:19; 34:26; Numbers 15:17-21; 18:12-13:). "Speak the to children of Israel, and say to them." When you come into the land which I give to you, and reap its harvest, then you shall bring a sheaf of the first-fruits of your harvest to the priest. He shall wave the sheaf before the Lord, to be accepted on your, behalf on the day after the Sabbath the priest shall wave it (Leviticus 23:10-11).
The first-fruits were brought in a basket to the sanctuary and presented to the priest, who was to set the basked down before the altar. Leviticus 23:9-14 institutes the first-fruits offering. The people were to bring a sheaf of grain to the priest, who would wave it before the Lord. A burnt offering, a meal offering, and a drink offering were also required at that time. Deuteronomy 26:1-10 gives even more detail on the procedure of first-fruits.
In the New Testament, the first-fruits offering is mentioned seven times, always symbolically. Since Paul was a Israelite it would be only natural for him to have thought of (Christ as the first-fruits, Gk., aparche) because the day of Christ's resurrection was the second day of Passover week on which the first ripe sheaf of the harvest was offered to the Lord (Leviticus 23:10-11,15).
Paul also establishing another basic point. While Christ was the first-fruits of his people the saints were also significance of the "first ripe sheaf" Paul calls Epaenetus and the household of Stephanas “the first-fruits of Achaia” (Romans 16:5; 1 Corinthians 16:15). Paul also referred to the brethren as those "who have the first-fruits of the Spirit" (Romans 8: 23) His meaning is that, just as the first-fruits offering was the first portion of a larger harvest, these individuals were the first of a greater harvest to follow.
The resurrection began with the resurrection of Jesus. He opened the way. Then came the first-fruit of the gospel were representative of the harvest to come. In concept, first-fruits symbolizes God’s harvest of souls. This select group of Christians were purchased from the earth as a FIRST FRUITS offering (Act 20:28; Ephesians 1:13-14).
The Greek for purchased, means to go to the market. It is a picture of God coming to the earth, to select His FIRST FRUITS from the entire harvest. The first-fruits of the gospel, to whom God gave the earnest of the spirit, existed for the purpose of working out. Upon their acceptance to God depended the whole harvest (Romans 8:18-23)
The term "first-fruits" itself implies, the remainder of the harvest was about ripe. "First-fruits refers to the first portion of the harvest that is given to God. Most notably the first-fruits are: * The first to come in time * A pledge or hope of the greater harvest to follow.
According to the Law no grain was to be harvested at all until the first-fruits offering was brought to the Lord (Numbers 15:18,21; Leviticus 23:10, 11), The first-fruits sanctified the subsequent harvest. Every Jewish Christian understood this Old Testament concept.
The book of Revelation cannot be separated from the other books of the gospel. These first-fruit believers who died before the Parousia "the Finished work of Christ," did not go to the place of the dead Abraham's bosom or the Hadean realm Luke 16:19-31 but instead were under the altar. (Revelation 6:9). These first-fruit saints paved the way for the rest of the harvest.
This first resurrection is considered "blessed and holy" in Revelation 20:6 because of their intimate first-fruit relationship with the risen Christ. Their proximity to the Holy Place rendered them priest of God and the Messiah and they became part of that first century symbolic 1000 year reign of Christ.
The second important truth inherent in the first-fruits figure is the readiness of the harvest to be gathered as signified in the offering of the first-fruits. The act of reaping had already begun, as seen in the (acceptance or gathering of the 144,00) "first-fruits (Revelation 14:1-5).
After the destruction of Jerusalem and the (Temple) the way into the Heaven or the Holiest of all was now made OPEN (Hebrews 9:8). It was then that the first-fruits reached perfection, and were accepted of God.
The harvest was now ready to be cut and gathered in (Revelation 14:14-20). This is a two-fold harvest scene with verse 14-16 applying to the righteous, and verse 17-20 referring to the wicked. This same harvest judgment was prophesied by the prophet Joel (Joel 3:12-17).
The (righteous harvest) were the dead saints in Christ from the Old Covenant. These were people like Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Job, Isaiah, and Daniel, etc, who died in faith, not of a time, still to come in our future. David demonstrated his faith and trust in God to delivered him from the depths of the grave. For great is your love toward me; you have delivered me from the depths of the grave (Psalm 86:13 NIV).
Total fellowship to David was to be in the presence of God in the afterlife. You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore. (Psalm 16:11)
The time for death to be abolished had arrived (2 Timothy 1:10). These "Old Covenant saints" were the rest of the harvest, the general resurrection. Knowing this, we can appreciate why God said: I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. God is not the God of the dead, but of the living (Matthew 22:32; Mark 12:27; Luke 20:38).
The harvest, follows the ripening "perfecting and offering of the first-fruits." With the return of Christ and the destruction of temple, the way into God presence was now opened (Hebrew 9:8). The Hadean realm was emptied, and the Old Covenant saints, who were the harvest were gathered in the general resurrection in A.D.70. This is the second resurrection that John mentioned in the first part of verse 5 of chapter 20.
The charge by some that putting the resurrection in the past destroys faith is far removed from the truth in scripture. By putting the resurrection were it belongs in God’s scheme of redemption for Israel the believer today immediately enter into his eternal reward, in the heavenly’s.
One way to better understand the teaching of John's resurrection in Revelation 20:5 is to get a better grasp of the literary devices that are used by the writer to produce the desired results of the revelation he is seeking to unveil. One such device is chiasmas, which is a term that designates a literary figure or principle, which consist of "a placing crosswise" of words in a sentence or writing.
The term is used in rhetoric to designate an inversion of the order of words or phrases which are repeated or subsequently referred to in the sentence or writing.
The text is color coded to help you in your understanding of this technique. At my blog.
20.1 A. And I saw an angel coming down from heaven
B. having the keys of the abyss
C. and a great chain in his hand
D. And he laid hold of the dragon
the old serpent (so named in garden of Eden)
which is the devil
And Satan (so named in (1 Chr.21:1)
and he bound him a thousand years
and he cast him into the abyss and shut it
and sealed it over him that he should deceive the nations no more
until should be finished the 1000 years
and after these things must he be loosed a little while
and I saw thrones and they say upon them and judgment was given to them
and the souls of them that had been beheaded
for the testimony of Jesus
and for the Word of God
and such as worshiped not the beast neither his image
and received not the mark upon their forehead and upon their hand
and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.
The rest of the dead did not live again until were finished the thousand years
this is the first resurrection
20.6 blessed and holy is the one
who has a part in the first resurrection
over these the second death has no power
they will be priest of God and of Christ.
and will reign with Him for a thousand years.
20.7 E. When the thousand years are complete
Satan will be released
20.8 and will come out
to deceive the nations
20.8b D. which are in the four corners of the earth
Gog and Magog, to gather them together for the war
the number of them is like the sand of the seashore
20.9 And they came up on the broad plain of the earth
C. and surrounded the camp of the saints
B. and the beloved city
A. And fire came down from God out of heaven and devoured them
Chiasmus in Rev. 20, Verses 1-9 from the works of George R. Douglas, Jr. Esp/Bethesda,MD
If we are to understand the timing of the resurrection we must immerse ourselves in the first century Jewish understanding of the resurrection. What a difference it make when we read the Bible through their Jewish biblical concepts.
George Bush's War - End Times based
A French Revelation, or The Burning Bush
Incredibly, President George W. Bush told French President Jacques Chirac in early 2003 that Iraq must be invaded to thwart Gog and Magog, the Bible’s satanic agents of the Apocalypse.
Honest. This isn’t a joke. The president of the United States, in a top-secret phone call to a major European ally, asked for French troops to join American soldiers in attacking Iraq as a mission from God.
Now out of office, Chirac recounts that the American leader appealed to their “common faith” (Christianity) and told him: “Gog and Magog are at work in the Middle East…. The biblical prophecies are being fulfilled…. This confrontation is willed by God, who wants to use this conflict to erase his people’s enemies before a New Age begins.”
This bizarre episode occurred while the White House was assembling its “coalition of the willing” to unleash the Iraq invasion. Chirac says he was boggled by Bush’s call and “wondered how someone could be so superficial and fanatical in their beliefs.”
After the 2003 call, the puzzled French leader didn’t comply with Bush’s request. Instead, his staff asked Thomas Romer, a theologian at the University of Lausanne, to analyze the weird appeal. Dr. Romer explained that the Old Testament book of Ezekiel contains two chapters (38 and 39) in which God rages against Gog and Magog, sinister and mysterious forces menacing Israel. Jehovah vows to smite them savagely, to “turn thee back, and put hooks into thy jaws,” and slaughter them ruthlessly. In the New Testament, the mystical book of Revelation envisions Gog and Magog gathering nations for battle, “and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them.”
In 2007, Dr. Romer recounted Bush’s strange behavior in Lausanne University’s review, Allez Savoir. A French-language Swiss newspaper, Le Matin Dimanche, printed a sarcastic account titled: “When President George W. Bush Saw the Prophesies of the Bible Coming to Pass.” France’s La Liberte likewise spoofed it under the headline “A Small Scoop on Bush, Chirac, God, Gog and Magog.” But other news media missed the amazing report.
Subsequently, ex-President Chirac confirmed the nutty event in a long interview with French journalist Jean-Claude Maurice, who tells the tale in his new book, Si Vous le Répétez, Je Démentirai (If You Repeat it, I Will Deny), released in March by the publisher Plon.
Oddly, mainstream media are ignoring this alarming revelation that Bush may have been half-cracked when he started his Iraq war. My own paper, The Charleston Gazette in West Virginia, is the only U.S. newspaper to report it so far. Canada’s Toronto Star recounted the story, calling it a “stranger-than-fiction disclosure … which suggests that apocalyptic fervor may have held sway within the walls of the White House.” Fortunately, online commentary sites are spreading the news, filling the press void.
The French revelation jibes with other known aspects of Bush’s renowned evangelical certitude. For example, a few months after his phone call to Chirac, Bush attended a 2003 summit in Egypt. The Palestinian foreign minister later said the American president told him he was “on a mission from God” to defeat Iraq. At that time, the White House called this claim “absurd.”
Recently, GQ magazine revealed that former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld attached warlike Bible verses and Iraq battle photos to war reports he hand-delivered to Bush. One declared: “Put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground.”
It’s awkward to say openly, but now-departed President Bush is a religious crackpot, an ex-drunk of small intellect who “got saved.” He never should have been entrusted with the power to start wars.
For six years, Americans really haven’t known why he launched the unnecessary Iraq attack. Official pretexts turned out to be baseless. Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction after all, and wasn’t in league with terrorists, as the White House alleged. Collapse of his asserted reasons led to speculation about hidden motives: Was the invasion loosed to gain control of Iraq’s oil—or to protect Israel—or to complete Bush’s father’s vendetta against the late dictator Saddam Hussein? Nobody ever found an answer.
Now, added to the other suspicions, comes the goofy possibility that abstruse, supernatural, idiotic, laughable Bible prophecies were a factor. This casts an ominous pall over the needless war that has killed more than four thousand young Americans and cost U.S. taxpayers perhaps $1 trillion.
Kenneth Gentry's Latest Desperation
I have written numerous articles interacting with Kenneth Gentry, one of the most outspoken critics of Covenant Eschatology today. He is also one of the most ardent advocates of postmillennialism. In my upcoming work on 1 Thessalonians 4:13f entitled We Shall Meet Him In the Air, The Wedding of the King of Kings, I do an in-depth analysis of Gentry’s hermeneutic. It appears to me personally that as time goes on, Gentry becomes more illogical and desperate in his attempts to respond to Covenant Eschatology. His argument addressed in this article is a prime example of that.
Dr. Gentry takes every opportunity to condemn preterists, but he refuses to actually engage in honorable discussions with preterists. Dr. Gentry has been challenged many times by numerous people, including myself, to meet me in formal public debate. It seems Dr. Gentry is always “too busy.” Anyone wishing to forward this article, with my invitation to formal debate, to Gentry, is more than welcome to do so. I have little hope that he will respond. Every time I have personally emailed him, even though he has opened the posts, he has not even given me the courtesy of a response. We can only hope that this will change.
A brother Ray West, forwarded to me, (6-9-09), a post by Gentry in which he once again takes a shot at preterists. The comments are from his own blog and review of his revised book He Shall Have Dominion. His book is advertised at ( I am informed that at this time (6-10-09), there is a problem with the Cart on his site however, so one would need to check with Dr. Gentry before purchasing through the website. Additional note. I have been informed that Gentry’s book can now be purchased from Amazon without risking the issues with Gentry’s site.
Dr. Gentry clearly thinks that he has found a fatal flaw in the preterist argument on Luke 21:22. Here is Mr. Gentry’s argument as I received it:
Begin quote:
In its context Luke 21:22 reads as follows: “But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then recognize that her desolation is at hand. Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains, and let those who are in the midst of the city depart, and let not those who are in the country enter the city; because these are days of vengeance, in order that all things which are written may be fulfilled” (Lk 21:20).
Inarguably, (sic) the context here is focusing on AD 70, as even dispensationalists agree.
The hyper-preterists naively assume that Jesus is speaking globally of absolutely all prophecies when he declares that “all things which are written” will be fulfilled in AD 70. They hold, therefore, that no prophecy remains, which means that prophecies regarding the resurrection of all men, the second coming, and more came to pass in AD 70. They base their argument on deficient hermeneutics. Note just one deadly observation against their approach: The grammar of the passage limits the declaration. Jesus speaks of “all things which are written” by employing a perfect passive participle: /gegrammena /(”having been written”). This refers to prophecies already written — when he speaks in AD 30. Yet we know that more prophecies arise later in the New Testament revelation.
Once again we see a limitation on Jesus’ statement. Furthermore, technically it does not even refer to any prophecy which Christ speaks. For these are not prophecies that have already been written. That being the case, the final resurrection (for instance) is outside of this declaration (Jn 5:28-29)>–29).
Thus, Jesus is referring to all things written in the Old Testament. At this stage of redemptive history those are the only prophecies that had already been written. (end quote, DKP)
Quite frankly, I could hardly believe what I was reading from the pen of the erudite Dr. Gentry! He has engaged in numerous debates, and surely knows that one must be careful in making polemic arguments. The absolute desperation, the total failure of logic on the part of Dr. Gentry is glaring and egregious.
Let me summarize Dr. Gentry’s argument for ease of understanding.
Major Premise: When Jesus said (Luke 21:22), that “all things written must be fulfilled,” he referred only to those prophecies (and all of those prophecies), that had been written prior to his statement in A.D. 30.
Minor Premise: All New Testament prophecies of the resurrection (e.g. John 5:28f, 1 Corinthians 15, 1 Thessalonians, etc.), were written after A.D. 30.
Conclusion: Therefore, all New Testament prophecies of the resurrection were not part of the “all things that are written” that were to be fulfilled in the fall of Jerusalem in A.D. 70.
Here is what Dr. Gentry concludes: “Thus, Jesus is referring to all things written in the Old Testament. At this stage of redemptive history those are the only prophecies that had already been written.”
Gentry’s “logic,” if such it can be called, fails on a number of points. However, I am going to keep this article to the barest minimum.
I will only make two points in response to Dr. Gentry’s amazing argument.
Argument #1– The New Testament prophecies of the resurrection are simply the reiteration of the Old Testament prophecies (things already written in A.D. 30).
Proof of this argument: I need only refer to the words of Paul. The apostle affirmed in the most unambiguous manner that his doctrine of the resurrection was nothing but that found in the Old Testament, that which had already been written!
Acts 24:14-15: “But this I confess to you, that according to the Way which they call a sect, so I worship the God of my fathers, believing all things which are written in the Law and in the Prophets. I have hope in God, which they themselves also accept, that there will be a resurrection of the dead, both of the just and the unjust.”
Paul said his doctrine of the resurrection of the dead, for which he was on trial, was found in Moses and the Law and the prophets. That certainly qualifies as that which was written before A.D. 30.
Acts 26:21-23– “Having therefore obtained help of God, I continue unto this day, witnessing both to small and great, saying none other things than those which the prophets and Moses did say should come: That Christ should suffer, and that he should be the first that should rise from the dead, and should shew light unto the people, and to the Gentiles.”
Paul said he preached nothing, nothing but the hope of Israel found in Moses and the prophets. Do you catch the power of that?
Paul taught of the resurrection of the dead.
But, Paul did not preach anything but the hope of Israel found in Moses and the prophets.
Therefore, the doctrine of the resurrection of the dead was found in Moses and the prophets.
Romans 8:23– 9:1-4-- “And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the first fruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body... For I could wish that myself were accursed from Christ for my brethren, my kinsmen according to the flesh: 4 Who are Israelites; to whom pertaineth the adoption, and the glory, and the covenants, and the giving of the law, and the service of God, and the promises.”
The adoption, according to Paul, was the resurrection.
But, the promise of the adoption was given to, and belonged to, Israel after the flesh.
This means that the adoption, the promise of the resurrection, was from the Old Testament prophecies.
1 Corinthians 15:54-55-- “So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?”
Paul cites Isaiah 25:8 and Hosea 13:14 as the source of his resurrection doctrine in Corinthians.
Paul said that the resurrection would be when Isaiah 25 and Hosea 13:14 would be fulfilled.
Thus, the resurrection hope and doctrine of 1 Corinthians 15 was found in, and based on the Old Testament prophecies made to Israel.
From these texts, it is undeniable that the resurrection hope expressed by the New Testament writers was nothing other than a reiteration of what had already been written long ago in the Old Testament scriptures! This is fatal to Gentry’s argument and theology.
You simply cannot say that the New Testament prophecies of the resurrection are not grounded in and based on the Old Covenant prophecies. This is to deny Paul who said he preached nothing but the hope of Israel found in Moses and the prophets. 1 Corinthians 15 is not different from Isaiah 25 or Hosea 13:14, for Paul says that when the resurrection occurred, it would be the fulfillment of those prophecies. To say that 1 Corinthians 15 is the explication of those prophecies is not the same as saying that they are different from those prophecies.
You cannot say that all Old Testament prophecies were fulfilled at the A.D. 70 parousia of Christ, therefore, without affirming the fulfillment of all New Testament eschatology. There is no “new” eschatology in the New Testament. All New Testament eschatology is the anticipation of the imminent fulfillment of Old Testament promises. Period. This totally falsifies Gentry’s specious argument.
What is astounding to consider in light of Gentry’s argument above is that Gentry believes that the Old Testament did indeed predict the resurrection of the dead at the end of the Christian age! In his book, The Greatness of the Great Commission, (Tyler, Tx., Institute for Christian Economics, 1993)142, Gentry cites Daniel 12:2 as predictive of the resurrection “at the end of history.”
So, consider what this does for Dr. Gentry:
All Old Testament prophecy would be fulfilled by the time of, and in the events of the fall of Jerusalem in A.D. 70. (Kenneth Gentry)
But, the Old Testament predicted the general resurrection of the dead (Daniel 12:2, Kenneth Gentry)
Therefore, the general resurrection of the dead occurred in the events of the fall of Jerusalem in A.D. 70.
We have established point #1 beyond any possibility of refutation. This point alone totally destroys Gentry’s attempt at refuting Covenant Eschatology.
Argument #2– For argument sake therefore, I will most gladly accept Dr. Gentry’s own summary statement: “Thus, Jesus is referring to all things written in the Old Testament. At this stage of redemptive history those are the only prophecies that had already been written.” (My emphasis, DKP)
Consider then the following argument:
All things written in the Old Testament, i.e. all Old Testament prophecy, was fulfilled by the time of, and in the events of, the fall of Jerusalem in A.D. 70. (Kenneth Gentry).
But, the Old Testament prophesied of the resurrection of the dead (Acts 24:14f; 26:6f; 26:21f, Romans 8:23-9:1-4, 1 Corinthians 15:55-56).
Therefore, the prophecies of the resurrection of the dead were fulfilled by the time of, and in the events of, the fall of Jerusalem in A.D. 70.
This argument is prima facie true.
It is incontrovertibly true that the Old Testament foretold the resurrection of the dead. Kenneth Gentry agrees.
It is irrefutably true that all New Testament prophecies of the resurrection are drawn from and the reiteration of the Old Testament prophecies.
It is undeniable that Jesus said that all things written would be fulfilled by the time of, and in the events of the fall of Jerusalem in A.D. 70.
Kenneth Gentry is correct in affirming that all Old Testament prophecies would be fulfilled at / in A.D. 70. And this proves, beyond refutation, that the resurrection of the dead came at the dissolution of the Old Covenant age of Israel in A.D. 70.
Incidentally, it would do no good for Mr. Gentry, or anyone else, to amend his statement and argue that all that Jesus really meant was that all Old Covenant prophecies concerning the fall of Jerusalem were to be fulfilled in A.D. 70. (You will note that Gentry made no attempt to limit the scope of the Old Covenant prophecies to be fulfilled in A.D. 70. He said emphatically, “Jesus is referring to all things written in the Old Testament”).
The indisputable fact is that in the Old Testament the resurrection of the dead is repeatedly posited at the destruction of Old Covenant Israel. Note a couple of examples.
Isaiah 25:1-8– “O LORD, You are my God. I will exalt You, I will praise Your name, For You have done wonderful things; Your counsels of old are faithfulness and truth. 2 For You have made a city a ruin, A fortified city a ruin, A palace of foreigners to be a city no more; It will never be rebuilt.
3 Therefore the strong people will glorify You; The city of the terrible nations will fear You.
4 For You have been a strength to the poor, A strength to the needy in his distress, A refuge from the storm, A shade from the heat; For the blast of the terrible ones is as a storm against the wall.
5 You will reduce the noise of aliens, As heat in a dry place; As heat in the shadow of a cloud, The song of the terrible ones will be diminished. 6 And in this mountain The LORD of hosts will make for all people A feast of choice pieces, A feast of wines on the lees, Of fat things full of marrow, Of well–refined wines on the lees. 7 And He will destroy on this mountain The surface of the covering cast over all people, And the veil that is spread over all nations. 8 He will swallow up death forever, And the Lord GOD will wipe away tears from all faces; The rebuke of His people He will take away from all the earth; For the LORD has spoken.”
Note that in the day that YHVH would destroy death, it would also be when He made the city a desolation, and turned the temple over to foreigners! The city under consideration is the “city of confusion” in chapter 24:10f, Ariel, i.e. Jerusalem. So, Isaiah emphatically posits the resurrection at the time of Jerusalem’s demise.
In chapter 26:19-21, the Lord predicted the resurrection at the time when YHVH would come out of heaven and avenge the blood of the martyrs. Of course, Jesus was emphatically clear that all of the righteous blood of all the saints, shed on the earth, would be avenged in the judgment of Jerusalem in A.D. 70 (Matthew 23:34f).
In Isaiah 27:1f, we find the destruction of Leviathan, the enemy of God, defeated in the day that the Lord would come, the Day of 26:19f, i.e. the day of the resurrection. And, this Day of the Lord would also be when the people that YHVH had created would no longer receive mercy, and He would turn the altar to chalkstones (Isaiah 27:9f). Thus, again, the resurrection is clearly placed in the context of the judgment of Jerusalem and Israel.
Likewise, the very passage that Gentry appeals to for the resurrection at the end of the age, Daniel 12:2, says that the resurrection would be, “when the power of the holy people is completely shattered” (Daniel 12:2-7). See my book, Seventy Weeks Are Determined...For the Resurrection, for a full discussion of this fact. There are in fact several O.T. passages that posit the resurrection in the context of the judgment of Israel.
The point of course is that it will do Gentry no good whatsoever to now say that all that Jesus really meant to say was “these be the days of vengeance in which all things that are written about the fall of Jerusalem will be fulfilled.” On one level, we could agree with this, for as it has been demonstrated, the fall of Jerusalem was in fact to be the time of the resurrection!
So, Gentry boasts that the “hyper-preterists” make a “naive” claim about Luke 21:22. He says we are guilty of “deficient hermeneutics.” He claims to have made a “deadly observation” against the preterist argument. In fact, Gentry has exposed his own desperation and his own naive and deficient hermeneutic. We have made what is in fact “a deadly observation” in response to Gentry’s specious argument.
Kenneth Gentry has, through his own argument, destroyed his postmillennial, futurist eschatology. He has actually confirmed the truthfulness of “hyper-preterism!” Perhaps there is no need for Mr. Gentry to publically debate Covenant Eschatology after all (although my invitation remains valid), for the more he writes, the more he confirms that Christ’s “Second Coming” and the prophecies of the resurrection were fulfilled in A.D. 70. (I suspect that in a fourth revision of Dr. Gentry’s book, he will modify or delete his comments on Luke 21:22. It will be interesting to see, will it not?)
Don Preston is a columnist for Don is an advocate of Covenant Eschatology and the author of eight titles on the preterist view of prophecy, including Who is This Babylon? a book that has received a positive scholarly review.