Is is really necessary to be a full-preterist?

My question is: as long as a Christian takes a positive view of this world, what's the big deal. After long Theological debates, does it really edify your soul?


Unknown said...

Only if you seek to claim the bible is true.

If "coming soon" means thousands of years later language is useless.

NewCreation said...
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Jesse Ahmann said...

Thanks for leaving comments guys. Phatwebs, your comment is a little simplistic. Prophesies of old repeatedly did not come true because of various reasons, or they wern't as imminent as they sounded. Newcreation, you sound like Todd Dennis. Now, what is dangerous about Full-Preterism? I don't see a horrible heresy contained within it's doctrine. Salvation was payed for on the cross and demonstrated at His resurrection. Later in 70ad, the coming of Jesus in destruction of the temple, ushered in the New Heavens and New Earth. As your blogger name states, "newcreation" when did that occur?

NewCreation said...
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Jesse Ahmann said...

I may delete your comment, not because of your differing opinion, but pure compativeness. On my blog, I'd appreciate open, honest discussion with level headed language. Can I have your cooperation? Go ahead and turn your blog back on.

Jesse Ahmann said...

Wow, I didn't expect newcreation to delete his own posts. I was hoping for some real debate without the combative nature.

NewCreation said...
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NewCreation said...
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Jesse Ahmann said...

Your assumption of full-preterism is wrong, we want to talk about issues as brothers in Christ, whether in a debate format or open honest discussion. I am willing to change my position concerning full-preterism if I am convinced with Scripture. I am will address your questions more in depth when I have more time. Quickly, I understand that many unrighteous exist, God's Kingdom consists of only the righteous, therefore the unrighteous are not part of the new heavens and earth. I will address Hymenaeus and more on the ungodly in my next comment.

NewCreation said...
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Jesse Ahmann said...

Not all FP are wanting to debate, it's not the character of my spirit. There is also a difference between debating and insults. But, we both know that. Moving on, making everyone righteous would make me a universalist. Some say this is the consistent view of FP. Scripture is clear that the unrighteous are cast to the "outer darkness." Matthew 8:12, 22:13, and 25:30. This is covenental language.
You mentioned "your view". Is there a name for your view?
In Paul's day, there is a "already, but not yet" aspect to the kingdom. They were called sons of the kingdom, just like the unrighteous, but were waiting for Christ to be formed in them. Gal. 4:19. Covenentally speaking, the righteous have Christ formed in them having a crown of righteousness. The unrighteous are in the outer darkness. Paul was always looking forward to a ressurection. In 2 Timothy 4, Paul is indeed an old man ready to die. Paul is given a crown of righeousness after he dies, because he will still be awaiting the coming of Christ. This doesn't mean that this is still the order 2000 years later.
You mentioned the coming is "at hand" like a vapor. Are you saying we should always expect his soon coming? Are you a chiliast?

Jesse Ahmann said...

So, since newcreation is not responding, I would like to ask again, "What really edifies the soul?" I would add that criticizing FP or defending FP does not edify the soul.