Stephen Covey to speak at MSU

One of Time magazine's 25-most influential Americans and an author who has sold more than 20 million copies of his books will speak to Montana State University about how they can tap their greatness at MSU's 2008 Freshman Convocation set for 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 2, at Brick Breeden Fieldhouse.

Stephen R. Covey will discuss his landmark book, "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change." Incoming MSU freshmen read the book over the summer.

The convocation, a celebration for MSU's incoming freshmen, is free and open to non-freshmen who have obtained tickets in advance from MSU's Ask Us Desk or Borders Books.
Covey's "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, has sold 15 million copies and won a number of honors, including being the top-selling audio in history, the most influential business book in the 20th century and the best-selling hardcover book on family. In addition to being a prolific author and a popular speaker, Covey is co-founder and vice chairman of FranklinCovey, the leading global professional services firm with offices in 123 countries and the recipient of the International Entrepreneur of the Year Award.
"I believe this book has value for all college-bound students in any area of study," said Greg Young, MSU's vice provost for undergraduate education. "I have been impressed by how positively my students have reacted to the book when I used it in a couple of classes over the past few years."

Young said while Covey's talk is free and open to the public, the convocation, which is MSU's second, is primarily a celebration for incoming students. Tickets for non-freshmen are available at MSU's Ask Us Information Center and at Borders, with a limit of 4 tickets per person.

Last year's inaugural freshmen convocation featured Bozeman resident Greg Mortenson, co-author of the hugely popular "Three Cups of Tea," and the founder of the Central Asia Institute that has built schools in remote areas of Pakistan and Afghanistan.

The MSU Leadership Institute of ASMSU and the MSU Alumni Association have provided additional sponsorship for the event. For more information, go to