Leland Freeman is a PROPHET, according to no less authority than himself. He is known as the Parowan Prophet (Parowan, Utah). He said God speaks to him and he is the true prophet of God. According to him Obama will not be the next President of the U.S. because Russia will drop nuclear bombs all over the U.S. Millions of us will die. It will happen on December 21, 2008. Of course I am sure it is no problem for "The Prophet" of Parowan that today is January 19, 2009 and there has been no reports of a nuclear attack by anybody (much less the Russians). Maybe we're all dead and just don't know it - we must be living in a "Matrix" kind of reality.

If you have tickets for tomorrows inaugeration you better sell them on ebay tonight, but what good will money do you when you're dead, or very sick from nuclear fall-0ut.

I could never be deceived by a "PROPHET" - why, because I know there are no "Prophets" of God since August 70 a.d. when all prophecies ceased. If you do not believe in the "full preterist" view you could be deceived, oh yes you can. A billion people have been deceived into believing that Mohammad was the last Prophet of God. The Jehovah's Witnesses have been deceived by False Prophets. The Seventh-Day-Adventists have been deceived over and over again by false prophets. Cults exists because of False Prophets. Don't be deceived - THE LAST DAYS ended by 70 a.d.


Jesse Ahmann said...

Good Post David; but someone has already prophesied over me. My friend Jason said my spirit is like a sailboat ready to be moved by the wind of the Holy Spirit.

Anonymous said...

What does that mean - "Prophecied over me" Jesse? To say your "spirit is like a sailboat ready to be moved by the wind of the Holy Spirit" sounds awfully vague to me. Jesse, even if my mother said she could prophecy I would not believe it - and my mother is a truthful person and I love her. I would assume she is being affected by drugs (prescription), or she had a wierd delusion. I'd still love her, but I would not believe it. As you know, I had visions, but I knew it was not real. I was confused at first, but then realized it was a result of some new prescription drugs. No, if I say I am a prophet - don't believe it - ever! I may even be sincere, but something is wrong with me.
In Christ's love,
The Peasearian

Jesse Ahmann said...

That's the kind of prophecy I've heard in charismatic circles. Most are not specific because they are afraid to be wrong.