He is after us!!

Any idea who this person is?

Sorry Ryan, you haven't been called a heretic yet.


Anonymous said...

I feel honored to be on his list of heretics. Surely I have arrived in the Preterist world.

I read the blogs on the preterist heretic site and wonder if they would burn me at the stake, exorcis the demons out of me, cut off my head, brand a "P" with flames on my forehead, put me in stocks in front of their "church", or stone me.

Would these guys debate Don Preston, or even a lowly "preterist" such as myself?

I suggest we set up debates and film them. Let's contend for the "faith."

Jesse Ahmann said...

Yeah David, the challenge is on. I'd love them to stand up and identify themselves.

RYAN said...

Wow. I don't really know what to think about that site. What is this person hiding? I like their blog disclaimer and the videos underneath talking about an open mind, then I look back at the wild XTREEM PRETERIST HERESY banner and the spiteful content and the poor sap just contradicts their own protocol for open-mindedness. Is this blog satire? It is almost funny but for some reason I don't think this person is joking.

Jeff Vaughn said...


The owner of those accusations is Scott Thompson. Scott used to be Don Preston's web master.

Todd Dennis feeds Scott a lot of material.

Roderick Edwards and Brian Simmons are part of their number.

Does anyone else find it ironic that to avoid being called a universalist by those guys, you have to preach universalism in Genesis?


JL Vaughn
Coauthor Beyond Creation Science

Anonymous said...

How do we get a hold of Scott Thompson? Probably Don has his number and address.

Jesse Ahmann said...

My thought is what happened that made them so angry?
Their universalist accusations don't hold water; some say Calvinists are one step away from univeralism without the who 'limited atonement' point.
Anyway, some people don't like debate. The debate with Preston and Schwertley showed who really had a kind spirit.

That's my two cents,