Some days I just shake my head... See for yourself.
Why Doesn't Answers in Genesis Tell You the Truth?
Tim Martin
The Naked Absurdity of Young-Earth Futurism
4:13 PM
Thought you guys might find this interesting. I would welcome any comments, suggestions, or criticisms:
The Naked Absurdity of Young-Earth Futurism
Tim Martin
The Naked Absurdity of Young-Earth Futurism
Tim Martin
Homeschooling, the Genesis Debate, and Hypocrisy
12:28 PM
I think some of you guys may find this article interesting. It is the most complete account of the situation that I have seen on the web:
Homeschooling, the Genesis Debate, and Hypocrisy
Tim Martin
Homeschooling, the Genesis Debate, and Hypocrisy
Tim Martin
Media Influence and Intentions: Propaganda via Futurism
7:19 PM
Mark Chiacchira made a brilliant comment on the Death is Defeated site yesterday and it pretty much sums up why I choose preterism as my brand of eschatology.
"Today's Christians have no idea that Preterism offers the single best antidote to the futuristic Kool-Aid they are drinking. Having a realized eschatology destroys the Jehovah's Witnesses, The Church of Jesus Christ "Latter Day Saints", Islam, and a host of others that are dependent upon futurism. It is the secret weapon all Christians have been hoping for! It is the key which unlocks the scriptures and frees the minds of men.
If men believed that we have a future, they would live in terms of it. Our economy would become stable and world peace could eventually be achieved. Our economy would be based upon saving for the future rather than spending our children's inheritance. All ideas have consequences! We've seen the results of modern day futurism. It's produced Zionism, Wars, bad economic policies, and a defeatist mentality that allows hosts of anti-Christian doctrines to permeate society. Futurism creates a whole host of injustices and societal problems. Thankfully my children will carry the torch of Preterism into the next generation and give hope to many."

That was brilliant, Mark. Unfortunately we are bombarded with information daily that generally leads the populace towards futurism and feeds off of their fears.
I know I am going to stir up a hornet's nest of controversy with the link I am about to post but I have a feeling that David will thoroughly enjoy it! With a realized preterist eschatology, who the main people are in the media and why they are doing it is obvious. It is time we put two and two together here and we talked about it...
I encourage you to read through the end of this post with an open mind.
He is after us!!
9:05 AM
Any idea who this person is?
Sorry Ryan, you haven't been called a heretic yet.
Sorry Ryan, you haven't been called a heretic yet.