Mark Chiacchira made a brilliant comment on the Death is Defeated site yesterday and it pretty much sums up why I choose preterism as my brand of eschatology.
"Today's Christians have no idea that Preterism offers the single best antidote to the futuristic Kool-Aid they are drinking. Having a realized eschatology destroys the Jehovah's Witnesses, The Church of Jesus Christ "Latter Day Saints", Islam, and a host of others that are dependent upon futurism. It is the secret weapon all Christians have been hoping for! It is the key which unlocks the scriptures and frees the minds of men.
If men believed that we have a future, they would live in terms of it. Our economy would become stable and world peace could eventually be achieved. Our economy would be based upon saving for the future rather than spending our children's inheritance. All ideas have consequences! We've seen the results of modern day futurism. It's produced Zionism, Wars, bad economic policies, and a defeatist mentality that allows hosts of anti-Christian doctrines to permeate society. Futurism creates a whole host of injustices and societal problems. Thankfully my children will carry the torch of Preterism into the next generation and give hope to many."

That was brilliant, Mark. Unfortunately we are bombarded with information daily that generally leads the populace towards futurism and feeds off of their fears.
I know I am going to stir up a hornet's nest of controversy with the link I am about to post but I have a feeling that David will thoroughly enjoy it! With a realized preterist eschatology, who the main people are in the media and why they are doing it is obvious. It is time we put two and two together here and we talked about it...
I encourage you to read through the end of this post with an open mind.
If any of you have heard of the law of attraction, there is truth in it. Our thoughts determine who we are; therefore if we learn to think longterm...I agree there will be more peace in the world.
I don't have to be anti-Zionist to understand the media bias in this country. Such issues as evolution, constitutional principles, abortion, divorce, and gays are all given the liberal slant if not outright evil views I just prefer to live my life as godly as possible (which is difficult enough) and direct people to Jesus Christ. If you make the tree good then the fruits will be good as well.
Pascal Redfern
Preterism not only is the answer against, Jehovah's Witnesses; Mormonism; Seventh-Day Adventism and other futurists, but it is also the answer against Islam and Zionism. The reason is that "futurists" do not have hope in anything but the destruction of the earth and judgement upon all those infidels that do not agree with their doctrines and world view. As I've written on "Will Not Delay" in my blog contributions - ALL PROPHECIES ceased in 70 A.D., as did all other "personal revelations."
I entered my previous comments before reading the whole article Ryan posted here. Ryan, I do disagree with you and the author of this article. The "evil" we must fear and know that wants to destroy the U.S. is ISLAM, not the Jews. The Jews do not demand that we "submit" or have our heads cut off. It is Islam. It is not Israel that wants to destroy Iran so that the "Messiah" will come, but Iran and Islam. It is not the nation of Israel that straps bombs to their children and kills them and their enemy - IT IS ISLAM. Perhaps some day we will have to debate: "Who is the enemy today?" As a preterist I do not support Zionism and believe in the futurist view of a restored Israel - to me they are insignificant, but are human beings (contrary to the article's assertion). Make no mistake Ryan, Islam is humanities enemy - the Jews enemy, the Buddhists enemy, Hindus enemy, Christians enemy , and yes, even athiests enemy. I want to see Netanyhu win and destroy them for the rest of us. Israel is NOT the Biblical Israel - The Church is. I love you Ryan, as a brother, but disagree with you focusing on Israel and not Islam.
Yeah now there's the answer I was fishing for David!!!
Let me try to point this out a little better, take another look at that photo with Glen Beck and Joel Rosenberg with the mushroom cloud in the back. That is to signify what message these influential peoples have in the back of their minds when they deliver you information. That mushroom cloud is always on the horizon. In essence, you are getting news via futurism. Why futurism? Why not news via preterism? Have you ever wondered what our daily information would be like if all the broadcast networks were owned by preterists? Wouldn't that message be a little different? It is an undisputed fact that Jews control the media, in fact they even brag openly about their influential powers. Even with Murdoch being one of the lone gentiles on the scene, he is almost even more pro Israel than the rest of the networks. Why would Jews promote futurism instead of preterism? Do you see where this is going? Do you see maybe there is a reason why you have told that Islam is the enemy? What would Jesus say about wishing Netanyahu would destroy them [Muslims] for the rest of us? Wasn't Jesus message about love and a little bit here and there about a coming judgment on a rebellious nation? You understand all that so I don't understand why it is so difficult to connect the dots!!! I don't want to beleaguer this discussion any more than I have to. I realize Islam has their own wacky versions of futurism too but I don't see any Muslim propagandists in America, only Jewish...
David I am content to just forget about this and just keep talking about the good ole stuff. Truth is though, this is probably the most controversial topic of our time and I just can't seem to get to the bottom of it. More and more BS keeps coming at us. To ignore this would be against my good conscience but I realize that there isn't much I can do at this point. I'll quit pestering you about this for now. See you in the manana. ;)
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