Homeschooling, the Genesis Debate, and Hypocrisy

I think some of you guys may find this article interesting. It is the most complete account of the situation that I have seen on the web:

Homeschooling, the Genesis Debate, and Hypocrisy

Tim Martin


Jesse Ahmann said...

That's a horrible thing CHEC is doing. Hope Sonlight survives well through this.
Hey Tim, need any music teacher in Whitehall?

Tim Martin said...


Looks like a lot of new homeschoolers are getting introduced to preterism right now as we speak:

Tim Martin

Tim Martin said...


I was in a pretty unique position to write about the full context and details. Not a lot of people know all the details.

When people get treated that way, someone needs to stand up and say something. I would hope someone else would do the same thing if I was on the receiving end like John and Sonlight.

Are you ready to come over and do some teaching? I'll have to mention it to the group here. Not sure if anyone has the extra $$$ to afford it. I can ask, though. Tomorrow we go to Helena for homeschool day at the Capitol.


Tim Martin

Jesse Ahmann said...

Looks like more people will be introduced to preterism.
I can offer an overview of music, such as rhythm, improvisation, history, ect..
If there is no money, I understand.

Tim Martin said...

And more discussion about preterism to a brand new audience:

Tim Martin

RYAN said...


I just heard today about the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) which is approaching a possible ratification by the United States Senate. This treaty, as harmless as it may appear, is capable of attacking the very core of the child-parent relationship, removing parents from their central role in the growth and development of a child, and replacing them with the long arm of government supervision within the home.

This may give the government enough power to say whether or not you will be able to homeschool your children, let alone which brand of creationism to teach them.

Since its introduction in 1989, the Convention has been ratified by every nation in the world except for the United States and Somalia.

This is one to watch out for. Go to to learn more.