The Antidote to Zionism

This is something that has been weighing heavily on my mind in recent days. In recent world events such as the Georgia vs. Russia debacle and with the growing tension in Iran, we may find ourselves in WWIII if the Neo-cons and their puppet-masters in Israel have their way.

Oooh, that was a very controversial statement. The notion that there are people governing our country that do not have the American people’s best interest in mind is nothing new. But what does Israel have to do with anything? Americans are becoming more and more disenfranchised with their politicians. Whether it is because of the endless war in Iraq or the gradual weakening of our vibrant economy, people can see that there are problems with our government. What most people don’t know… is why. Ask why until you get to the root of the problem and then you can find the solution.

Why are the Neo-cons so blood-thirsty? Why are we being told in the news that Russia invaded Georgia when in fact it was the other way around? Why is George Bush telling Mr. Putin that he had better be good or else? Why are McCain and Obama basically parroting what our fearless president says? (Why do we only have a choice between these two clowns in November and why doesn’t a third party or someone like Ron Paul ever stand a chance?) Why is Israel funding Georgia’s war efforts? What is Israel, anyway? If the state of Israel is not biblical prophecy being fulfilled, then what is it?

The answer to all these questions is an idea that pervades to the very core of our culture, it taints the theology in our American churches and it possesses the minds of a whole electorate and the hearts of our children--that idea is called Zionism. The idea that the current State of Israel is fulfillment of biblical prophecy and that the USA must stand beside Israel no matter what they do because they are the chosen people and they can do no wrong because God will “bless those that bless thee and curse those that curse thee.”

This theology is called Christian Zionism where dispensational premillennial churches in America are concerned. Check out this video to see where this theology has taken us:

Mega-churches in America have taken this idea and convinced their minions that if we can spur about a world conflict, we will be able to experience the rapture sooner. This view of prophecy is also called futurism. Dispensational pre-millennialism is Futurism. Futurism supports Christian Zionism. Christian Zionism supports Jewish Zionism. The heart of Zionism rejects Jesus as the Messiah. Ouch…

The only solution to this problematic theology that causes world problems is if there is revolution within the church that starts reading prophetic scriptures like Mathew 24 and Revelation as real events that were going to happen to real people at a very soon time after they were written.

You see, placing these passages in the future takes the writing out of it's historical context and removes the judgment from the Jews that crucified Jesus and the prophetic significance of the falling of Jerusalem and the Temple in A.D. 70, “where one stone shall not be left upon another” is lost. This futurism takes the judgment away from the Jews in the first century and places it on some anonymous future generation. In consequence, we have a self-fulfilling prophecy unfolding right before our eyes.

This is why it is so important for Christians everywhere to take a new look at their bibles, and discover the only interpretive method that makes sense. Preterism is the only antidote for Zionism. If Christians in America discovered that Israel is a lie, Zionism would fall.

Any thoughts, brother David? Can one be a Preterist and a Zionist at the same time?

Another great video for your viewing pleasure:


Jesse Ahmann said...

Incredible post! Many of my dispensationist friends don't take their eschatology to far, but they are also apathetic to where Zionist are taking well meaning Christians. A past fulfilled thought must make it's way into the mainstream before a "self fulfilled" prophesy of Armageddon comes to pass.
Putin is not a good guy, and yes Georgia is at fault also, but I hope to God WWIII doesn't happen.

RYAN said...

Exactly Jesse, that is what I mean. Almost all of my dispensationalist friends don't take their eschatology this far because perhaps they haven't even thought about it. Therefore, yes, they are apathetic and/or blind to how they are being taken advantage of. WWIII is a high probability because of all this, like I said, but I think we have to keep in mind that we will always have physical life/death in this world. The spiritual life that we have been given by Jesus Christ is what they can't take away, no matter how many world wars we have. Who is this 'secret rapture' guy, he's kind of freakn me out?!

Jesse Ahmann said...

Secret Rapture probably googled our blog looking up "Zionism" "End Times" and decided to spam his website. I looked as his website, he's a freak alright.